In school or in colleges, when the student leaves the house parents are always worried that does he reach school or college or not, and also for school it’s a big responsibility to take care of the student that he reached college or school or is he bunking or not? So for this problem, we are here with the solution with the GSM-based Attendance system, where rf id based gsm attendance with message notification, gsm is the technology through which we can receive or send calls and message, so with the help of gsm module with sending the message to the phone number of parents student as the rf id card shown near the rf id reader, about at which time do student reach to college or school, which type is he leave the college and all this data will be displayed on the LCD
To provide a much easier attendance system to college and schools
To provide safety and assurance to parents that student have to reach college or not
To send SMS with gsm about at which time do student reach to school or college and at which time is he leaving
Showing each and every information on LCD