Temperature controller using PIC controller is work on programing logic project this project is temperature display in LCD and this project on temperature sensing for use sensor for LM-35. This project on as a heating source for use electrical bulb, this project on temperature set for use set push switch and it on set required temperature, temperature value display in LCD, This project on while temperature level go to near set point then beep buzzer alert and it will cross temperature set point then load automatic cut-off and temperature level dicress set low level then load automatic start, so this project thorough temperature level maintain as per required.
This project temperature controller as a use in industrial and domestic use like electric Furness, heater, cooking stove etc, this project is also use in travels and transportation vehicle like engine over heating then alert us and it will auto stop vehicle engine.
This project is one kinds of safety instrument and it will prevent electrical accident with life and property saving technology.
This project we provide from any students required microcontroller like Arduino, AVR, and ATmega controller etc.
This project we interfacing also students required like GSM, IOT and many wireless technology.
This project is best for diploma, BE, ME electrical engineering students. And best for science fair and science exhibition
This project with all technical details and project report provide and more details available on our YouTube channel Santosh the project maker, more working projects available in our website www. Projectmaker.in