sensor based automatic dustbin, which opens up when a human comes near it, smart dustbin is very helpful and needy then manual dustbins, think what if you are holing lots of garbage and have to open up the dustbin, frustrating ? right and also unhygienic to touch. there is also foot mechanism to prevent but mostly large foot operated dustbins takes more maintenance and less durable, and non workable for handicap person. So to solve this problem we introduced smart sensor based dustbin, where a person have to stand near the dustbin and it opens up.
to prevent miss use and to stop reaction for non human (dog or any animal or object) activity near sensor, we have used delay so that if a person stands near dustbin for more than 5 seconds than only the box will open
this project is based upon Arduino and best for cleanliness and computer science students, best minor project model for college demonstration and school science fairs